


I like the rest of the people on this earth have been thinking about 2014 and wondering what it will hold. The new year is such an interesting thing because somehow we can't help but come up with new resolutions, plans or dreams. Even if we are the type of person that never shares them with anyone, we all can't help but think of how this year will be different than the last and how we would actually like it to be different. I think its innate in us somehow. Innate to want a fresh start, crave newness and a clean slate. Permission to dream big, to hope big. Ive been trying to think about what I would like to learn this year and for some reason it just doesn't seem to be coming together...most likely bc I haven't stopped and asked God what He would like for me to learn this year. 

Last year He so clearly gave me one word, one attribute, TRUST. 2013 brought me to a place of trusting God like I never had before. My goal, desire was to Trust without Borders. And He delivered. My faith was shaky, my body and legs tired, my heart weary, my patience running dry, but we made it. And all 4 of us are completely changed in the greatest way possible by the gift that is our little girl. It was hard getting her here, at times I was unsure I was going to survive pregnancy with 2 crazy boys, but He carried us, He was faithful and we trusted in big ways and in very small ways. My idea of what it means to trust has drastically changed, it isn't a word you can use lightly or offer up as standard, simple advice. Its weighty and meaty and just huge. Or at least it was for me. I want it to be as simple as breathing...inhale...Trust....exhale...Trust! Its an ongoing process and one I will revisit and revisit for my lifetime, but I also realized that I have failed to pray for a fresh word, a new thought, a new challenge, a new lesson (read possible old lesson that needs to be relearned). 

So as I stop and ask God to reveal to me what He would like for me to learn or focus on this year, instead of trying to figure it out on my own, which in itself is a whole other challenge, ie. the attempt at not trying to control everything in my life and let the Holy Spirit do the leading. I pray that you too will ask, seek and find what it is He is impressing on your heart.

“Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.
Matthew 7:7-8
Happy Weekend Friends...will keep you posted, oh and GO TIGERS! 

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