
Happy Birthday to the Littlest Reese Girl...
You are our favorite little sister ever! You add so much joy and organization to our lives. You keep us informed, try to keep us punctual, serve us endlessly, adore our kids, work super hard, send thoughtful cards, give the best gifts, run to help in a moments notice, pursue us, encourage us, make us laugh and always put others before yourself. God saved the best sister for last and we are so thankful you are ours! 

We love you and hope this year is full of many wonderful blessings! 


  1. i love that girl and her sweet heart!!!

  2. wow, y'all are too kind! not sure if all that is true, but i'll take it, ha! love you both and am grateful to be your sister! y'all are the best!

    p.s. thanks Ginny-- i feel the same about you!


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