
Because Wonder Woman Seems Inviting...

Recently in our bible study we are learning what it means to be inviting and what it means to have a gentle and quiet spirit...wow, this is a hard one. One thing that has stuck out to me is the idea that having a gentle and quiet spirit does NOT mean being soft spoken, it isn't a personality trait or a temperament. Its about being welcoming and approachable, it draws others to a safe place. It is meekness, it is strength with restraint. A woman with a gentle and quiet spirit laughs especially at herself, she trusts, she is centered, patient and forgiving and most importantly her security and self worth is found in knowing the ONE who is in control, its not dependent on circumstances or others opinions. Such a high calling it is to bear the image of Christ...
thankfully this is a "trajectory not a place of arrival." 
-Ezer Biblical Feminity

I mean who doesn't in their mind want to picture themselves as wonder woman, I mean she could totally be inviting with a gentle and quiet spirit, knowing the perfect time to be strong and kick a little *&$ but also knowing when to step back in humility and listen.

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