
New Year...New Ways

"Come to me with a teachable spirit, eager to be changed. A close walk with Me is a life of continued newness. Do not cling to old ways as you step into a new year. Instead, seek My Face with an open mind, knowing that your journey with Me involves being transformed by the renewing of your mind...Give yourself fully this adventure of increasing attentiveness to My Presence" -Jesus Calling

My hubby and I read this yesterday as we stopped for a moment to remember that not only was it New Years Day but it was also the Sabbath...how quickly we forgot that am to acknowledge His day as we went about our daily routines and began to check off our list of to dos. Its so wonderful how He quietly whispers to us reminding us whose day it actually is and whose year it can be if we choose to not cling to old ways. I know in this new year I want to be changed, I want to have a teachable spirit, one that seeks His Face, seeks knowledge and newness...I don't want to be desperately clinging to safety or routine, I want to be transformed and yes at times that can be painful, uncomfortable, or even scary but I want to be open and eager in this journey with Him and I so desperately want to be attentive to His Presence first thing in the am and all throughout my day.

What about you...what are you desiring personally, from the inside-out this year?

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