

confession: i am a planner. i like to organize all the things whirling around in my head with to-do lists, and when i complete something, i get the satisfaction of crossing that item of the list...sad, but true.  i like to plan fun things to do with my friends and family, what we'll do on the weekends, and i even plan the meals we are going to have each week so that i don't spend too much money at the grocery store.  yes, i am a planner.  but not really the sort of planner that gets her {panties in a bunch} when things don't go as {planned}, i can pretty much roll with it when this happens, even though i'd much prefer for things to go as planned, ha ha ha.  planning can be a great thing- it keeps you on track, allows you to be productive, enables organization, and gives us a sense of satisfaction....but, it also keeps us in control, and that is a dangerous thing for sure.  when it comes down to it, i don't really want to be in control.  i want jesus to be in control, but when i try to plan everything in my daily life down to the grocery list, i am choosing jesse over jesus.  this opened my eyes this morning...

{I am your Lord!  Seek Me as Friend and Lover of your soul, but remember that I am also King of kings- sovereign over all.  You can make some plans as you gaze into the day that stretches out before you. But you need to hold those plans tentatively, anticipation that I may have other ideas. The most important thing to determine is what to do right now.  Instead of scanning the horizon of your life, looking for things that need to be done, concentrate on the task before you and the One who never leaves your side. Let everything else fade into the background. This will unclutter your mind, allowing Me to occupy more and more of your consciousness. Trust Me to show you what to do when you have finished what you are doing now.  I will guide you step by step, as you bend your will to Mine.  Thus you stay close to Me on the path of Peace.- Jesus Calling by Sarah Young}

i want to choose jesus over jesse...everyday. i hope your week is off to a great start. - J.

1 comment:

  1. oh J...like Big, like Little...thanks for this encouragement!
    -one pyscho planner to another


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